Prof. Dr. Claus Schnabel

Prof. Dr. Schnabel
Prof. Dr. Claus Schnabel

Chair of Labor and Regional Economics

Curriculum vitae

Claus Schnabel studied economics from 1981 to 1988 at the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK, where he received an MA in 1985, and at Hohenheim University, Germany, where he obtained his doctoral degree in economics in 1988. From 1988 to 2000, he worked as a researcher and then as head of the industrial relations department at the Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW). After his habilitation, he also was Privatdozent for economics at Ruhr University Bochum from 1997 to 2000. Claus Schnabel has been Chair of Labor and Regional Economics at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) since 2000 and a research fellow of IZA Bonn since 2006. He has also been speaker of the Labor and Socio-Economic Research Center (LASER) since 2007, co-editor of the Journal for Labour Market Research since 2008, and a research professor at the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) since 2015.

His research priorities are trade unions and employer associations, employee co-determination, wage formation, wage gaps, self-employment, labour market monopsony, and plant closings.

Recent publications