Welcome to the summer semester 2023

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Dear Students,

Welcome to the opening of the 2023 summer semester at the Department of Business, Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo) at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg! We look forward to welcoming all new and old students and to accompanying you on your academic path. With summer just around the corner, we hope that you will have a great time at the university and enjoy an unforgettable semester.

Of additional interest to you: the Mensa Insel Schütt is now open again. The Studierendenwerk team is looking forward to your visit.

For the start of the semester, we also recommend our study guide “Studying”. This guide will tell you all you need to know about studying at WiSo. In addition, important dates are summarized here. In this context, please also note that WiSo Nuremberg additionally provides important and interesting topics for you on its WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagram.



Important dates of the semester

Start of lectures summer semester 2023

29.05.2023, 00:01 h – 18.06.2023, 12:00 h
Registration period for exams in the summer semester 2023

Application deadline for Master’s programs for the winter semester 2023/2024

20.06.- 27.06.2023
University elections
Further information at: www.fau.de/hochschulwahlen

Career Day with company exchange,
Lange Gasse 20, 09:00-17:00 h
Further information at: www.careerday.wiso.fau.de

01.07.- 08.07.2023
Re-registration for the winter semester 2023/2024
Further information at: www.fau.de/semestertermine

Graduation ceremony at WiSo Nuremberg,
14:30-17:30, Lange Gasse 20, H4 and inner courtyard.
Further information/registration at: www.wiso-absolventenfeier.de

End of lectures summer semester 2023

Start of lectures and studies, winter semester 2023/2024



WiSo wishes all students a good start at WiSo in Nuremberg!